It was my last day in Paris. I spent it wondering around the city in idle fashion. Searching for the perfect souvenior. I walked to and fro around this city. I saw one of the things I had missed the last time I was near the Place De La Concord. This is the exact place where Marie Antoniette as they say "became a foot shorter on the top". Here are some observations I have made about the French:
1. I never see French woman wearing tennis shoes. It's always flats or heels.
2. That said this whole time I have never seen a French woman running, it's always men.
3. French men dress like they just walked out of an Abercrombie and Fitch add. They wear tight pants (which I am not complaining about) and pointy shoes (which I am, those suckers hurt when they step on your toes in the Metro)
4. The French like to have things done a certain way, the same way it has always been done, they love their traditions.
5. They love to sit and chat over long lunches and even longer Cafe breaks
6. They will line up and wait for hours to get bread from their favorite bakery.

There are pro's and con's to traveling alone. Pro; I get to sightsee at my own pace, go where I want and do what I feel like. The Con's; I have no one else to rely on but my own wit and cunning. Pro; I choose what and where and when I eat, stop for the potty, and go back to rest. Con; I only have all these weird head shots of myself . I must admit, that I am ready to go home. I have enjoyed my week here. I have seen alot and done alot, and learned even more. Not just about the history of Paris but (perhaps more importantly) I have learned alot about myself. I learned that no matter the circumstances, I can and will survive. No matter the misadventures I've had I still love to travel. Even saying the word out loud brings to mind exotic destinations and worlds unexplored. Travel has a way of opening your eyes to new and exciting things, to show you a way of living that you might not have know existed, to introduce you to situations outside your comfort zone and make you a better person because of it. Travel gives you the opportunity to learn things about yourself that might have otherwise stayed dormant deep within your soul. For me traveling satisfys a longing deep within me, a yearning to see new things and experience new things. It dosent have to be haftway across the world, it could be discovering something new about my own home town. The point is to get out there and SEE it. All week I haven't been able to shake the feeling that I have been here before, I tried to put a name to that feeling and had otherwise been unsuccessful, until today. Walking the streets of this beautiful city I realized it feels like home. And tonight I say goodbye. But to quote a very talented actor in what is perhaps the greatest film every made "I'm not going home, not really" (Daniel Radcliff as Harry Potter)
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